In English and en español!
Dolls, dolls and more dolls! In my family there are many dolls. Let me tell you about them. Muñecas, muñecas y un muñeco. En mi familia hay muchas muñecas. Déjenme decirles de ellas. Published by Amazing Things Press. |
If you have ever felt the need to express an emotion so great it could not be contained, then you are invited to share the author’s life journey in her poems. In this collection, she explores the power of the written word to express joy, sorrow, and revelations of her life’s experiences. Published by Amazing Things Press. |
Author Irene Alexander shares some of her favorite memories of growing up in the midwest in the mid-20th century. Readers who like Cappers Weekly and Reminisce Magazine will enjoy this autobiographical journey into the past. Published by Amazing Things Press. |
Mama B, Kate’s rescued black cat, has been through many tough times, but the love for her kittens and her human mom, Kate, keeps her going despite being handicapped. Published by Amazing Things Press. |

In English and español!
Manuel Santos is a new student at a school in small town far north of where he was born. His Anglo classmates know very little about the Hispanic culture from where he comes. Will a visit from his parents help or will it make matters worse with the class bully?
Manuel Santos es un nuevo estudiante en una escuela en una pequeña ciudad al norte de donde nació. Sus compañeros de clase anglosajones saben muy poco sobre la cultura hispana. ¿Ayudará la visita de sus padres o va a empeorar las cosas con el peleón de la clase?
Published by Amazing Things Press.

Adam had nine cats but he wished he had cool stuff like his friends. When his neighbor, Mr. Raintree, challenges him to observe and photograph his cats, he learns that he has everything he needs.
Published by Amazing Things Press.

My person read in the want ads what drew her to me. It was only a few words but they were simple. I think we both knew that it was a match. She did not show me a sleeping place but that night even though it drizzled rain, I slept on the open porch by the window which was as close as I could get to where she slept.
I knew I was home.
Published by Amazing Things Press.
I knew I was home.
Published by Amazing Things Press.

Harry the Horse is an old racehorse who has seen better days. When a family of fleas decides to make Harry their home, things begin to change for Harry.
Published by Amazing Things Press.

Carrie and her grandfather go fishing and Carrie learns that love is timeless.
Published by Amazing Things Press.

Join Kristi as her grandma tells her eight exciting true stories from her childhood.
Published by Amazing Things Press.